There just have not been that many picture-worthy changes, but here is a status report.
The windows all look great. The last windows that need to go in are in the basement. We had made some changes from the orignal plan. We doubled the size of the basement windows by changing the single casements into doubles. I'm not sure what happened, but either I forgot to confirm the order or they never got ordered in the first place. In any event, they showed up today and should be in this week. They will help establish the line for the water table and siding.
We've been prepainting the trim before it goes up. The builder has started on the soffit and fascia. We've placed the ledgers for the front porch and back deck in preparation for the start of the siding. . . Lots of small changes.
We are about 1/3 to 1/2 done with the wiring. I talked with the electrician regarding the general layout about a week ago and have been working on my own pulling wire since then. We will work together on Wednesday. That may do it or I'll try and wrap it up by the end of this coming weekend (I hope). It won't be too long after that we'll call for inspection of the framing and mechanicals - after that the drywall should start.
The next pictures should have a lot of great changes, but that's about it for now. Lot's going on, but not a lot to show for it.